The National Advisory Board of the Positive Coaching Alliance

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Positive Coaching Alliance

Jeffrey Tocci is a dentist and owner of a dental practice in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Also a coach of little league baseball, Jeffrey Tocci is also a member of the Positive Coaching Alliance, an organization that provides information on the power of positive coaching thanks in large part to its national advisory board.

The Positive Coaching Alliance’s national advisory board consists of former and current athletes and coaches from professional, college, and Olympic sports teams. The board also has researchers, authors, and leaders in the academic and business worlds. Working as volunteers, advisory board members offer advice and guidance through the Positive Coaching Alliance’s collection of workshops, online courses, books, and website resources for coaches throughout the nation.

Advisory board members include Jennifer Azzi, Olympic basketball gold medalist and NCAA champion; Albert Bandura, psychology professor from Stanford University; and Susan Ford, president of the Sand Hill Foundation.

Healing from TMJ Disorders

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Jeffrey Tocci

Dr. Jeffrey Tocci is the owner and dentist at Tocci Dental Associates in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Alongside several other specialties, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci helps many patients who suffer from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), and he completed a residency on the topic at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.

TMJ disorders are quite common, with some estimates suggesting that there are over 10 million American sufferers, more of them tending to be women than men. The temporomandibular joints are the most complex in the body, comprising many nerves and muscles that allow for coordinated movement in three dimensions. There’s no clear or consistent cause for TMJ disorders, but arthritis, jaw injuries, and chronic stress or pain disorders may be major contributors.

Often TMJ disorders are associated with imbalanced chewing due to misaligned jaw joints. While surgery can work in some cases, relieving tense muscles and improving blood flow through ultrasound therapy, microcurrent therapy, cold laser therapy, or trigger point therapy can often correct the misalignments and relieve pain without the need for any invasive procedures.

The Importance of Mouth Guards to Dental Health

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Jeffrey Tocci

Dr. Jeffrey Tocci has owned a private dental practice in Wellesley, Massachusetts, for more than three decades. Through his practice, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci provides his patients with various services in the areas of general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and sports dentistry.

The field of sports dentistry primarily deals with the prevention and treatment of oral injuries resulting from athletic engagements. In terms of prevention, dentists’ can provide services as diverse as nutritional advising and custom mouth guard fitting. The mouth guard is arguably the single most important tool in a sports dentist’s arsenal when it comes to preventing oral trauma.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), as many as 2 million teeth are lost each year during athletic contests. Sports injuries, which are three times more common than auto accidents, are the leading cause of oral trauma. Despite the frequency of these injuries, only 7 percent of soccer and basketball players use protective mouth guards. Both sports present a higher risk of facial injuries compared to football and hockey. In particular, basketball players are seven times more likely to experience a serious oral injury.

The ADA further advises individuals involved with field hockey, gymnastics, rugby, volleyball, and martial arts to wear mouth guards. However, sports dentists will help patients involved in any type of athletic activity obtain custom mouth guards.

An Overview of General Dentistry Procedures

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Jeffrey Tocci

Dr. Jeffrey Tocci has studied dentistry at the Harvard Dental School for Implantology, Tufts University of Dental Medicine, and the Georgetown University School of Dentistry. As a dental practitioner in Wellesley, Massachusetts, for more than 30 years, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci has performed an array of dental procedures, including fillings, crowns, and extractions.

Fillings, crowns, and extractions represent three of the most common dental procedures a patient may experience. Dental fillings are necessary when a tooth has been compromised by decay. Dentists replace the decayed portion of the tooth with various materials, and in many cases can naturally blend the color of the material with the surrounding teeth, rendering the simple procedure unnoticeable.

Crowns, meanwhile, also can be used to repair a decayed tooth, though a patient may also require a crown if they have cracked or completely broken a tooth. The installation of a crown helps dental professionals to strengthen and restructure the damaged tooth. Crowns are designed to function in the same manner as a healthy tooth so that patients can chew and bite without issue.

Finally, extractions involve the complete removal of a tooth. While dentists prefer to salvage a tooth through fillings or crowns, a tooth subjected to excessive decay or severe trauma may need to be taken out of the mouth and replaced. Patients have a variety of choices when it comes to replacing a tooth after extraction. Following extraction, dentists will ensure that patients retain a proper bite pattern so as to prevent additional oral problems in the future.

TMD Treatments

Based in Wellesley, Massachusetts, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci is a dental surgeon with years of experience treating patients. In addition to a DDS from Georgetown University’s School of Dentistry, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci obtained certification from the Harvard Dental School for Implantology and received certification in TMD therapies from Tufts University of Dental Medicine.

TMD (temporomandibular disorder) refers to a condition in which a person has difficulty using his or her temporomanidbular joint, which connects the jaw to the skull. TMD can be very painful and disruptive to a normal daily routine. While a dentist may make the initial diagnosis (using X-rays or more advanced technology such as MRIs and CT scans), he or she typically refers the patient to an oral surgeon for additional treatment.

Individuals suffering from TMD can change their behaviors in order to alleviate symptoms. At-home remedies include taking over-the-counter medication, using hot or cold packs, and eating soft foods. For more extreme pain, a dental surgeon may recommend stronger medicine or a splint or night guard. In some instances, the surgeon may suggest dental work or special therapies, including TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation).

If you’re experiencing intense jaw pain, please contact your dentist for more information.

Preventing Decay with Professional Fluoride Treatment

A general and aesthetic dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci is the owner of Tocci Dental Associates in Wellesley, Massachusetts. An important component of Dr. Jeffrey Tocci’s practice is preventive care, which includes professional fluoride treatments to help minimize the risk of developing cavities.

The teeth are protected by a strong outer layer called enamel. Sugars and starches combine with certain oral bacteria in the mouth to attack the enamel and pull minerals from it. This is called demineralization, and if nothing is done to reverse the process, it weakens the enamel and leads to holes in the teeth called cavities.

Fortunately, the mouth constantly works to remineralize the teeth with the minerals found in saliva. One such mineral, fluoride, can help strengthen the enamel. In addition to brushing with toothpaste containing fluoride and drinking fluoridated water, patients can undergo professional fluoride treatments for added protection against tooth decay. Performed by a dental hygienist after a teeth cleaning, a fluoride treatment contains a stronger concentration of the mineral than is found in over-the-counter products and is usually administered in the form of a rinse, gel, or varnish. Depending on the patient’s risk of decay, these treatments may be recommended once a year or more frequently.

An Introduction to Oral Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Jeffrey Tocci, owner of Tocci Dental Associates in Massachusetts, offers conscious sedation dentistry to his patients. With this option, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci is able to perform complex treatments in a minimal number of visits.

For people who experience fear and anxiety at the thought of going to the dentist, sedation dentistry can offer peace of mind as well as the opportunity for a healthy smile. One common form of sedation dentistry is oral sedation, in which the patient ingests a pill that causes drowsiness. Often consisting of triazolam (which is in the diazepam family), the pill is taken approximately an hour prior to the dental procedure and causes the patient to relax for five or six hours at a time, sometimes to the degree that the patient falls asleep in the chair. The sleep is typically not deep and the dentist can usually arouse the patient easily.

Dentists can adjust the sedation dose to achieve minimal or moderate sedation. Patients are more likely to remain fully awake and aware during minimal sedation, though they are fully relaxed. Those who undergo moderate sedation in the dentist’s office typically have no memory of the experience. As a result, sedation can be extremely comforting for anxious patients as well as for those who need extensive dental work, have sensitive teeth, or experience difficulty remaining still while undergoing dental work.

About GLO In-office Whitening

As owner of Tocci Dental Associates in Wellesley, Massachusetts, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci performs both cosmetic and general dentistry procedures. Among a number of available cosmetic services, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci offers his patients GLO’s dual in-office and at-home whitening system.

Powered by Guided Light Optics technology, the GLO Science Professional whitening system provides high-quality results with no mess or sensitivity. The process begins with a gel that the dentist applies to the patient’s teeth. A closed-system mouthpiece then applies both heat and light to activate the gel and remove stains. Because the closed mouthpiece prevents the escape of oxygen during treatment, the process works in less time than a traditional whitening treatment

The process begins in the dental chair, where the patient receives his or her first treatment. The treatment takes approximately 40 minutes, which includes five eight-minute sessions with the mouthpiece. The patient then goes home with a kit that allows him or her to repeat the process, thus supporting effective maintenance of results. The system is clean and easy to use and is safe for veneers, crowns, caps, and bonding.

Choosing Dental Implants over Other Tooth Replacement Options

Since 1985, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci has provided general and cosmetic dentistry services through his private practice, Tocci Dental Associates, in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Dr. Jeffrey Tocci has undergone advanced training in placing dental implants, which, in many ways, represent a better option for tooth replacement than bridges or dentures.

A dental implant is made up of an artificial tooth root, which is implanted in the jawbone, and a porcelain crown designed to match and blend perfectly with the surrounding teeth. Because they mimic the structure of natural teeth, dental implants are more stable than other prosthetics and do not affect the structure of healthy neighboring teeth. Dentures often lose their tight fit over time and slip out of place, making speaking and chewing difficult, and bridges require crown placement on the teeth next to the gap, which weakens those teeth.

Moreover, bridges and dentures rest over the gum tissues, while dental implants are firmly embedded in the bone. This is an important distinction because of the bone deterioration that occurs at the site of a lost tooth. Without a tooth root in place, the bone shrinks and causes a sunken, aged facial appearance, but a dental implant provides the same sort of stimulation to the bone to keep it healthy and dense.

Dr. Jeffrey Tocci – Sports and the Importance of Using a Mouth Guard

Based in Wellesley, Massachusetts, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci owns Tocci Dental Associates, a medical practice that provides general, laser, and cosmetic dental services, featuring oral conscious sedation and advanced therapies such as tooth implant surgery. In addition, Dr. Jeffrey Tocci practices sports dentistry.

According to statistics, 50 percent of children seriously damage a tooth by the time they finish high school, and most of these damages occur while playing sports. Moreover, sports injuries cause significantly more facial and dental harm than assaults, traffic accidents, or work accidents, and more than 2 million teeth are knocked out in athletic contests every year.

Sports dentists care for patients who play a wide variety of contact and noncontact sports and come to them for treatment of these injuries. The dentists also try to figure out ways for patients to avoid them. Preventive measures include nutrition counseling and advice on protecting one’s face. A crucial safety measure involves the use of athletic mouth guards. Dentists such as Dr. Tocci can produce customized mouthpieces for athletes engaging in sports ranging from soccer and volleyball to basketball and skydiving. Able to be worn with braces, these devices offer greater comfort, protection, and durability than store-bought mouth guards, while reducing the likelihood of harm.